Emsculpt Neo is the first noninvasive device that can both eliminate fat and build muscle at the same time . It is FDA-approved, and has little to no downtime. Sessions are thirty minutes each, once a week for four weeks. Doing four sessions is the equivalent of doing four months of high intensity interval training at the gym. Save yourself the pain and sculpt the body of your dreams with Emsculpt Neo !

Benefits of Emsculpt Neo:

  • Decreases fat by 30%
  • Increases muscle by 25%
  • FDA approved , so procedure is safe and effective
  • Non-invasive
  • No downtime
  • Painless
  • Short thirty min sessions once a week for four weeks
  • Can treat many areas of body -abs, flanks, buttock, inner and outer thighs, calves, biceps and triceps